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how to perform curd with PHP and MySQL
How to Perform Simple CRUD with PHP and MySQL
Learn the fundamentals of using PHP and MySQL for CRUD operations. From single query execution to prepared statements, this guide will teach you everything you need to know to build dynamic web applications that interact with your database seamlessly. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, learn the fundamentals of developing dynamic web applications and efficiently manipulating database data.
24 Apr 2024
by Jayram Prajapati
What is Laravel Response Class?
What is Laravel Response Class?

Learn how to use Laravel Response Class to manage HTTP requests and create tailored responses for web applications. From handling JSON data to managing redirects and facilitating file downloads, Laravel offers intuitive methods to enhance user experiences and streamline web development processes.

19 Apr 2024
by Pravin Prajapati
Latest Version released Magento 2.4.7
What’s New in Magento 2.4.7 | Latest Version Magento
Discover what is new in Magento 2.4.7! This blog covers Adobe Commerce's most recent updates, security advancements, and performance improvements, allowing you to improve the functionality and user experience of your online store.
13 Apr 2024
by Pravin Prajapati
Laravel is best framework for SaaS application development
Why is Laravel the best framework for SaaS apps?
Find out why Laravel is the most popular framework for developing SaaS apps. Examine the advantages of SaaS, such as its affordability and ease of use. Discover how Laravel simplifies web app development with its modular structure, strong security features, and MVC architecture support. Find out how Laravel handles traffic control for web applications and why it's the top choice for industries.
20 Mar 2024
by Pravin Prajapati
How to check array is empty in PHP
4 Easy Ways to Check If an Array Is Empty in PHP
We explore the typical checking situation to see if a PHP array is empty. We provide clear explanations and examples for each approach. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, these techniques will equip you to handle empty arrays in your PHP codebase effectively.
18 Mar 2024
by Jayram Prajapati
Magento 2 Product types
Magento 2 Product Types: An Explanation and Examples
This comprehensive guide walks through each product type, providing detailed explanations and practical examples. From the primary simple product to the more complex configurable, grouped, virtual, bundled, and downloadable products, learn how each type improves your store's offerings and customer experience.
11 Mar 2024
by Jayram Prajapati