
React vs. Vue: A Review of the Top JavaScript Frameworks

Pravin Prajapati  ·   22 Mar 2024
React vs Vue diffrenece

Quick overview: As development professionals, navigating the numerous technologies is a constant effort that is required to advance in our careers. React and Vue are well-known runners-up in the JavaScript web application development space. But when choosing which to include in your project, it becomes important to understand their differences as our project needs.

The evolution of software applications has transcended mere digital utilities, now entailing intricate layers of code, driving businesses towards innovative strategies for product success. As an enterprise proprietor, your responsibility extends beyond assembling a proficient development team; it encompasses the judicious selection of the appropriate tech stack for your project's trajectory.

In this discourse, we'll explore the nuanced differences between React and Vue, shedding light on their respective benefits and demerits. We aim to provide invaluable insights for making an informed choice tailored to your project's requirements.

Here is a brief intro: What is React and Vue?

Back in 2011, a Facebook engineer named Jordan Walke created React. It's a handy tool that Facebook uses for many of its products. React differed from other frameworks like Angular and Backbone because it introduced Virtual DOM and a new way to write HTML in JavaScript called JSX. Right now, over 19 million websites are using React!

On the other hand, Evan You, a former Google developer, created Vue. He wanted to mix the best parts of Angular, Ember, and React into one framework. Vue does things differently from React. Instead of using a special syntax like JSX, it lets you write HTML normally. And unlike React, which Facebook backs, Vue is looked after by a big community of developers. Nearly 4 million websites currently use Vue.

What is React?

Some beginner developers still need clarification about ReactJs, a Javascript framework. However, it is an open-source Javascript UI library built by Facebook in 2011. It was fully developed and launched in 2013, and now it is every front-end developer's first choice.

Jordan Walke, a Facebook software team member, aims to create a dynamic and highly-performing platform to improve the user experience. It helps to simplify the development process by providing a well-organized and simple structure and pre-built user components to make it more flexible and lightweight. Because of its flexibility, it became the most popular in development industries.

What is Vue?

Vue.Js is also in an open page framework developm by the ex-google Explore named Evan You. Evan wants to create similar software and upgrades from the running frameworks like Angular Js and Node js. Vue extends the power of front-end development and experience by simplifying the building of front-end models of projects with the help of HTML and CSS.

Vue operates in the model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) framework. Vue's main library depends on the viewmodel layer, which provides reactive synchronisation between the model and views layers through two-way data binding. This makes it easier to create modern web apps that use the single-page application (SPA) model.

Similarities between Vue.js and React

Vue.js and React share some significant characteristics that lead to their widespread acceptance among developers. Before delving into their different traits, let us first discuss the similarities that make them so desirable:

1. Virtual DOM: Instead of recalculating and rendering the entire web page, React and Vue leverage a Virtual DOM approach. Just by updating only the changed components, this strategy saves the time and resources that would otherwise be required for extensive DOM manipulations.

2. Component-based UI Development: Vue and React boast extensive component libraries. These pre-built elements facilitate code reuse and speed up the development cycle by creating modular and scalable UI designs.

3. Focus on the View Library: Vue and React prioritize the application's view layer, emphasizing the separation of concerns. You can maintain a clear and organised codebase by delegating tasks like routing and state management to specialised libraries or tools. As an upshot, scalability and servicing are made easier.

4. Usage of JavaScript: Both frameworks heavily rely on JavaScript, allowing developers proficient in this language to transition to React or Vue easily. Respecting JavaScript conventions helps developers become more familiar with the technology stack and shortens their learning curve.

Types of frontend web apps that can built by both technologies

So, with React.js and Vue, you can construct numerous sorts and scales of applications, from single-page applications to hybrid mobile apps, both of which give you a smooth and flexible environment for development.

Types of frontend web apps that can built by both technologies

Here are some examples of using reactjs and Vue technologies, which are better for developing certain applications. The above image shows some comparisons.

Performance Difference between React and Vue

Regarding the performance of your web application, both Vue and React have their strengths. Vue's application can feel a little unsure as it grows larger due to the increasing number of options and components, which can slow loading times. Vue comes to the rescue with its virtual DOM feature, which improves application performance. Lazy loading, a key feature of Vue, further reduces load times by only loading what is required.

React, however, provides a smoother performance due to its component-based architecture. This simplifies the creation of powerful single-page applications, and component reuse reduces code complexity. React is also good at loading pages quickly by minimising DOM interaction and refreshing only the necessary content, avoiding unnecessary page reloads.

Stefan Krause and Jacek Schae ran extensive tests to see how Vue and React performed. Jacek Schae used Google's Lighthouse Audit to determine the loading speed of RealWorld App implementations. These tests give us valuable insights into how fast each framework can render HTML pages and manage the Document Object Model (DOM), greatly influencing their efficiency. While both frameworks share similar structural principles, Vue is more adept at creating and updating components. Vue, unlike React, does not require you to manually optimise each component, which saves time and effort, especially as your project grows.

Scalability Check

Vue is specifically designed to create interactive multi-page apps and integrate seamlessly into existing projects. While Vue CLI was formerly the go-to tool for configuring Vue.js applications, it is currently in maintenance mode, and create-vue has taken its place. Unlike the Vue CLI, create-vue is built with Vite rather than Webpack, allowing faster development with instant module hot-reloading and optimised bundling. Vue also provides companion libraries for state management and routing in its core, ensuring they are officially supported and updated. However, using HTML syntax rather than JSX in Vue may make it difficult to reuse templates in the future.

On the other hand, React has a thriving community and is adaptable enough to handle multi-page and single-page applications. It is well-known for its scalability, as demonstrated by large-scale initiatives such as Facebook. However, it lacks built-in routing solutions, necessitating third-party libraries like Flux or Redux and the create-react-app scaffold. While Vue's CLI provides more customisation options for project generation than React's CLI, React has recently added the ability to generate projects from user-built presets, increasing flexibility.

Android Development

React provides React Native, a popular framework for developing native Android and iOS apps with the same component structure as React web applications. This familiarity allows developers to use React skills to build mobile app front-ends without needing third-party frameworks. React Native seamlessly combines native development's best features with the convenience of React, allowing developers to reuse up to 99% of their JavaScript code across both platforms. It gives you precise control over the appearance of native widgets and provides a natural user experience on Android and iOS devices.

Vue.js supports Weex, a mobile UI framework developed by Alibaba Group. Weex uses Vue components to create iOS and Android apps while allowing code reuse from web applications. Weex is less well-known than React Native, and its community may be less active, which could make it difficult to find educational resources and support.

Despite Vue's lag behind React in mobile development, it provides some possibilities for developing mobile applications. NativeScript enables developers to create Vue applications compiled into native iOS and Android apps. Capacitor, created by the Ionic team, integrates seamlessly with Vue websites, providing native iOS and Android capabilities via a simple API.

App Size difference

When comparing app sizes between React.js and Vue.js, both frameworks provide lightweight solutions with component-based designs, which promotes better app performance. However, regarding data rendering, Vue.js is typically lighter and faster than React. Apps built with React.js tend to be larger despite being a UI library. Even so, recent React versions have significantly reduced app package size by around 30%, indicating promising progress in this area.

Vue.js maintains its reputation as a lightweight framework, with apps typically ranging between 50kb and 100kb in size. However, the initial loading time for apps of this size can be slightly longer. Vue.js supports lazy loading, which allows developers to split down code into smaller chunks to speed up app loading. Complementary tech stacks such as Nuxt.js, Vuex, Bit, and Vue-router can help simplify development and reduce app size. These solutions reduce the need to write code from scratch and offer state management. This benefits time savings, fewer code lines, and a smaller app footprint.

Community Support

React.js and Vue.js have both garnered high praise in the developer community. In the 2023 Stack Overflow Survey, React was listed as the most loved web framework. React holds the second position, with 45.58% of respondents expressing a strong liking for it, while Vue.js came in at the 8th spot, maintaining a 16.38% share of respondents.

React and Vue excel at generating exceptional user experiences due to their support for virtual DOM and data binding. However, many organisations favour React for its ability to create rapid and seamless user interfaces. React helps developers create clean and rich user interfaces using UI components, such as buttons and text boxes, that users love interacting with. When implemented correctly, React can deliver bug-free performance, making it a first choice for building robust user interfaces.

Vue offers developers more flexibility when experimenting with UI elements. Its two-way data binding nature simplifies the process of configuring and modifying HTML attributes and values, known as v-bind, without affecting other parts of the code. This makes Vue a preferred choice for front-end developers who value experimentation and flexibility in their projects.

Drawbacks of React and Vue

Both Vue and React offer powerful capabilities for building web applications, but they also come with drawbacks.

Drawbacks of Vue:
  • Challenges with two-way binding: Vue's two-way data binding can help with development in some cases, but it can also make understanding data flow and debugging more difficult.
  • Challenges in mobile support: Vue's mobile support may not be as robust as other frameworks, such as React Native, making it sometimes less suitable for mobile app development.
  • Limited plugins: React's ecosystem may be smaller than Vue's, but it provides fewer plugins and libraries for developers to use.
  • Scalability: While Vue is suitable for building small to medium-sized applications, it may face scalability challenges in larger, more complex projects.
  • Team Building: Finding experienced Vue developers may be more challenging than finding React developers, which could impact team composition and project timelines.
  • The community's use has some limitations: Vue's community may not be as extensive or active as other frameworks, resulting in limited resources and support for developers.
Drawbacks of React:
  • The rapid pace of growth: React's rapid development and updates can make it challenging for developers to keep up with the latest changes and best practices.
  • Limited documentation: Because of the rapid pace of React development, comprehensive and current documentation may be scarce, making it difficult for developers to locate relevant resources and guidance.
  • UI layer focus: React is primarily concerned with applications' user interface layer, necessitating additional tools and libraries for other aspects of development, such as routing and state management.
  • Confusion with JSX: JSX, React's JavaScript syntax extension, can be difficult for developers to grasp, especially when working with complex templates and overlapping components.

While both Vue and React offer helpful features for developing web applications, you should know these drawbacks when deciding which framework is best for your projects.

What to choose between React and Vue

Team competence and long-term ambitions. Here's a summary to help you make an informed selection.

Choose Vue.js if:
  • You're working on a small project that requires rapid development and deployment.
  • You're building progressive web apps or single-page applications.
  • You plan to scale up the functionality of your current application over time.
Choose React if:
  • You want access to a vast ecosystem of tools and libraries to enhance your project's functionality.
  • You're building a large-scale application with complex requirements and need to deliver it quickly to market.
  • You prioritize creating visually stunning components and highly responsive user interfaces.

Both Vue.js and React are excellent frameworks with distinct strengths and use cases. By considering your project's specific requirements and objectives, you may select the framework that best fits your development goals and team capabilities. You can also use our expert guidance to decide which framework you can choose for your project.


You have gained basic knowledge of both platforms' main differences and drawbacks. Both technologies are suitable for building a successful project based on your needs and goals. When deciding between React Native and Flutter for your project, scalability, cost, and ease of use are all important factors to consider. Consider the long-term maintenance and support required for each platform and the availability of skilled developers in your area. Your project's specific requirements and objectives will indicate the best-suited technology.

Elightwalk Technology provides services as a development company with 15 years of expertise in development technologies. Hire React.js developers to handle your extensive business projects. Our team can help you to solve the complexities of React. Hire our Vue.Js developer to build your flexible project with a modern and efficient framework. Contact us to hire a team or outsource project work for e-commerce and web development services.


When should Vue be considered a good option?

What sets React apart from other frameworks?

Why do some still use React despite Vue.js being more productive?

Which is better to learn first? Vue.js, Angular, or React?

Pravin Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Expert in frontend and backend development, combining creativity with sharp technical knowledge. Passionate about keeping up with industry trends, he implements cutting-edge technologies, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail in crafting innovative solutions.

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