
Magento Product Image Zoom

Magento Product Image Zoom

Our Product Image Zoom Extension for Magento 2 allows business owners to give social network login options to their Magento stores quickly.

Our Magento plugin is simple to install and use for delivering direct social login choices to consumers. You may define rules with limits to enable Zoom for particular products, giving more flexibility in its use.

This step-by-step installation guide was developed to assist you with the simple extension installation procedure. Install the Magento 2 Extension in your store by following our step-by-step instructions.

Installation Process

Manage Token

You can see package token on style Elightwalk by signing in to your account once you have completed the installation process from Elightwalk. You can see using the following link Token


composer require elightwalk/magento2-product-image-zoom

php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_ProductImageZoom
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

Configuration Path

Elightwalk -> Configuration -> Image Zoom


Magento 2 Product Image Zoom is an extension that improves the visual experience of customers purchasing on Magento-powered e-commerce websites.

Through powerful picture zoom capability, this plugin allows users to investigate product information dynamically. The addon includes zooming options such as window, inner, and lens. Users can select their favorite zooming technique based on their product viewing preferences.

The Magento Product Zoom extension is a valuable addition to any Magento-based online store, providing advanced image zoom features that improve the customer's ability to examine and appreciate product details.