
Magento 2 SMTP

Magento SMTP

To assist you in the straightforward installation of the Magento SMTP extension, we have prepared the following detailed instructions. Use our detailed guide to set up the SMTP Extension for your Magento 2 store.

With the assistance of our Magento 2 SMTP, the business owner can swiftly set up an SMTP server on their online store. The website will be used by the selected SMTP host to send all emails.

Installation Process

Manage Token

You can see package token on style Elightwalk by signing in to your account once you have completed the checkout process from Elightwalk. You can see using the following link Token


composer require elightwalk/magento2-smtp php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_Core Elightwalk_Smtp php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento cache:clean

Configuration Path

Elightwalk > SMTP


SMTP Module Enable

  • Module Enable: You have to enable the module by setting it to “yes” and then you will get all the functionalities of our Magento SMTP module.
  • Blacklist Emails: In this section, you can add all the email addresses that you want to block from receiving emails from your store.
  • CC Emails: The email addresses that you enter into the "CC" (Carbon Copy) section will get a copy of the message in addition to the individual who is the primary recipient of the email.
  • BCC Emails: The email addresses you add to the "BCC" (Blind Carbon Copy) field will also receive a copy of the email, but their addresses will remain hidden from other recipients.
  • (Note: You can add multiple emails by separating them with a (,) comma.)

SMTP Setup Option

  • Host: Here you have to select the host provider of your preference. Toggle on the select provider button and you will get host providers options such as Gmail, Sendinblue, Outlook, SMTP2GO, and sendgrid. Select the preferable host provider from here.
  • Port: Enter the port.
  • Protocol: Set your protocol. (TLS, SSL, None)
  • Username & Password:Enter the username and password here.

Test Email SMTP


From this section, you can send the test emails to validate that your email is working properly.

  • Logger Settings: If set to No, it will not add any log to the logger file.


Our Magento 2 SMTP Extension enables your store to send email with Gmail, Sendinblue, Outlook, SMTP2GO, Sendgrid, etc. you can learn to setup each provider below on SMTP generation steps.

This Magento 2 SMTP extension supports emails to make them work with configured settings. Supporting Providers are the following:

  • Gmail
  • Sendinblue
  • Outlook
  • Sendgrid

SMTP Generation Steps

For Gmail

Here is the step by step process for SMTP generation for Gmail

  • Go to : Gmail
  • Click on the 'Setting Icon' on the right side of panel
  • Click on the button "See all settings"
  • Click on the tab "Forwarding and POP/IMAP"
  • POP download: -> Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)
  • IMAP access: -> Enable IMAP
  • Save Changes

For Sendinblue (Brevo)

Here is the step by step process for SMTP generation for Sendinblue (Brevo)

  • Go to : Sendinblue
  • Login with your credentials
  • Either Click on your Profile from top of the right side and click on "SMTP & API" OR Redirect to https://app.brevo.com/settings/keys/smtp
  • Click on "Generate a new SMTP key" button
  • Your SMTP Settings will display below.
  • Username is your login email don't use "SMTP key name"
  • Password is your "SMTP key value" associated with "SMTP key name"

For Outlook

Here is the step by step process for SMTP generation for Outlook

  • Go to : Outlook
  • Tap on Sign in button and sign in with your credentials.
  • Click on the 'Setting Icon' on the right side of panel
  • Click on the button "View all Outlook settings"
  • Go to Mail > Sync email
  • You will see POP and IMAP section
  • POP and IMAP Set to Yes and Save
  • Check SMTP setting section below, That was your smtp credentials.

For Smtp2go

Here is the step by step process for SMTP generation for Smtp2go

  • Go to : Smtp2go
  • Go to Sending > SMTP Users
  • Click on button "Add SMTP user" and fill the details and click button "Add SMTP user"
  • Your Smtp credentials have been created.
  • If the Verified Senders is not set then you can't send the mail so first you need to set Verified Senders.
  • For setting Verified Senders Go to "Verified Senders" inside "Sending" section from left Menu.
  • Click on "Single sender emails" tab.
  • Click "Add single sender email" button from right.
  • Add email here which will become your sender email.

For Sendgrid

Here is the step by step process for SMTP generation for Sendgrid

  • Go to : Sendgrid
  • Login with your credentials
  • Go to Email API > Integration Guide
  • Choose "SMTP Relay"
  • Give api key name and click on "Create Key".
  • Below will shows your Smtp Credentials.